Rick Perry Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)
Rick Perry quotes and sayings page 6 (75 year old politician). Here's quote # 51 through 60 out of the 113 we have for him.
“Those jobs flee other states because of factors like excessive taxation, punitive regulation and frivolous lawsuits.”
“Under Obama, our federal tax dollars can now be used to fund abortion all over the world. With the stroke of a pen, abortion essentially became a U.S. foreign export.”
“Americans want government that is leaner, more efficient, and less intrusive into their personal lives.”
“Every life is precious.”
“I think every program needs to stand the sunshine of righteous scrutiny. Whether it's Social Security, whether it's Medicaid, whether it's Medicare.”
“Let's stand up. Let's speak with pride about our morals and our values and redouble our effort to elect more conservative Republicans.”
“Our shared conservative values, our belief in the individual is the great hope of our nation.”
“We do not have to accept our current circumstances. We will change them. We are Americans. That's what we do.”
“I have no question that Newt Gingrich has the heart of a conservative reformer, the ability to rally and captivate the conservative movement.”
“I've always believed the mission is greater than the man.”
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