Robert Duvall Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Robert Duvall quotes and sayings page 2 (94 year old actor). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 78 we have for him.

Robert Duvall Quotes
“Hollywood is still the mecca for good or bad, but it isn't the beginning or end for filmmaking.”
“I've always remembered something Sanford Meisner, my acting teacher, told us. When you create a character, it's like making a chair, except instead of making someting out of wood, you make it out of yourself. That's the actor's craft - using yourself to create a character.”
Robert Duvall Quotes
“A young actor once asked me, What do you do between jobs? I said, Hobbies, hobbies, and more hobbies.”
Robert Duvall Quotes
“Being a star is an agent's dream, not an actor's.”
Robert Duvall Quotes
“I like the good feeling movies.”
Robert Duvall Quotes
“I wanted to show that crime doesn't pay. If you are saved and accept the Lord, you cannot use that as an excuse to avoid punishment.”
Robert Duvall Quotes
“I always figure from the cradle to the grave, we all have our individual journeys, and maybe my journey was a positive one and I accomplished certain things without stepping on too many toes.”
Robert Duvall Quotes
“I was fortunate in the last century to be in the two biggest hits film-wise, 'Godfather I' and 'Godfather II,' and 'Lonesome Dove.'”
Robert Duvall Quotes
“I am getting some good offers still. Some nice things are coming my way just as they always have, so unless I lose my inspiration or there is too much drool to wipe, I will keep going.”
Robert Duvall Quotes
“Too many people think that economics is this subject that should wait until the university level. But it can't wait that long.”

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