Ryan Reynolds Quotes & Sayings

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97 most famous Ryan Reynolds quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 47 year old Canadian actor born on Oct 23, 1976.

Ryan Reynolds Quotes
“When you have expectations, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.”
“I played rugby for years, and I had a rugby jacket that I lost when I was 14. Somehow, my brother found it in storage 15 years later, and he gave it back to me for my 30th birthday. That was amazing and probably one of the best gifts I've ever received.”
“It's funny, because there are so many stereotypes out there about actors and movie stars in general, but I've had a great opportunity to meet a lot of them, and maybe it's just because they don't behave that way around me, but I rarely see that kind of abuse of power.”
“It's just that... working on 'Green Lantern,' I saw how difficult it is to make that concept palatable, and how confused it all can be when you don't really know exactly where you're going with it or you don't really know how to access that world properly - that world comic book fans have been accessing for decades and falling in love with.”
“I think there's escapist moviemaking, and we want to be captivated and taken away. If it's done right, you can craft an incredible film. There have been superhero films that I think are brilliant pieces of art.”
“Fragrance is a very personal gift, and I think that's why it makes a great Christmas gift. There's a very distinct signature to it, so if you give it as a gift, I like to think that it's from a person that thinks very highly of you.”
“There's a very real possibility in this industry of going out and leading your life and then going home and being a voyeur of your own life. You can literally go watch yourself - where you went last night, what you did, what the things that people presuppose about you. It's kind of crazy.”
Ryan Reynolds Quotes
“Are you stalking me? Because that would be super.”
Ryan Reynolds Quotes
“I think a fragrance is more of a signature than even what you wear - something you'll remember more down the road than a shirt.”
Ryan Reynolds Quotes
“I think we can all use a little more patience. I get a little impatient sometimes and I wish I didn't. I really need to be more patient.”

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