Thomas R. Insel Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Thomas R. Insel quotes and sayings page 2 (scientist). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 22 we have.
“We need to ask whether, in the long term, some individuals with a history of psychosis may do better off medication.”
“As a scientist leading a funding agency for autism research, I think of autism as a neurodevelopmental disorder.”
“The good-news stories in medicine are early detection, early intervention.”
“I trained in psychiatry in the 1970s, and much of our training was about what was then psychoanalytic theory, with a little bit of theory from Jungian psychology and a few other places.”
“Sometimes, patients with serious mental illness, just as with other serious medical illnesses, require hospitalization. In the absence of available public or private hospital beds, there are few options.”
“A National Database on Autism Research is fostering sharing of data and collaborations. Scientists are also making great strides at the interface of biology and engineering with new technologies that are laying the groundwork for future advances.”
“Unlike the heart or kidney, which have a small, defined set of cell types, we still do not have a taxonomy of neurons, and neuroscientists still argue whether specific types of neurons are unique to humans. But there is no disputing that neurons are only about 10 percent of the cells in the human brain.”
“We have to remain humble about our understanding of the brain, because even our most powerful tools remain pretty blunt instruments for decoding the brain. In fact, we still do not know how to decipher the basic language of how the brain works.”
“I was sure I was going to be a doctor of global health or tropical medicine in some underdeveloped country.”
“When we talk about the brain, it is anything but unidimensional or simplistic or reductionistic.”
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