Timothy Ferriss Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Timothy Ferriss quotes and sayings page 3 (author). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 56 we have.

Timothy Ferriss Quotes
“As far as income goes, there are three currencies in the world; most people ignore two. The three currencies are time, income and mobility, in descending order of importance. Most people focus exclusively on income.”
“I've found cinnamon to be very effective for lowering the glycemic response to meals. People have heard that before, but I didn't realize how profound it could be until I did the actual testing with continuous glucose monitors. And I tested all different varieties and species of cinnamon from Ceylon to Saigon.”
“If you take a print magazine with a million person circulation, and a blog with a devout readership of 1 million, for the purpose of selling anything that can be sold online, the blog is infinitely more powerful, because it's only a click away.”
Timothy Ferriss Quotes
“I gauge success in years, not weeks. The weekend box-office approach to book launches is short sighted and encourages crappy books.”
Timothy Ferriss Quotes
“The biggest misconception about work is that you need to spend the majority of your time doing it.”
“I like work/life separation, not work/life balance. What I mean by that is, if I'm on, I want to be on and maximally productive. If I'm off, I don't want to think about work. When people strive for work/life balance, they end up blending them. That's how you end up checking email all day Saturday.”
Timothy Ferriss Quotes
“I'm not a fan of idleness, except in small doses.”
Timothy Ferriss Quotes
“I really feel like knife skills - not just in the kitchen, but in life - are really critical.”
Timothy Ferriss Quotes
“People really do think they have to choose between high stress and high reward jobs, and low stress and low reward jobs.”
Timothy Ferriss Quotes
“Having a size 9 foot is fantastic because almost all of the shoe companies do their prototyping in size 9, so if you visit a place like Nike headquarters, you can try every sort of wacky, out-there model.”

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