Trevor Nunn Quotes & Sayings

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26 most famous Trevor Nunn quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's an 85 year old English director born on Jan 14, 1940.

Trevor Nunn Quotes
“If you're a director, your entire livelihood and your entire creativity is based on your self-confidence. Sometimes that's dangerously close to arrogance.”
“In my early years, my father was away as a soldier in the war. When he came back, work was very difficult to come by. Even though he was a highly skilled man, a maker of furniture, the payment for that work was very poor.”
“What you're doing is putting into professional play the way that you relate to other people, the way that you analyze and relate to a written text, the way that you would persuade anybody to do anything. It has to do with listening, with humility and a sense of yourself.”
Trevor Nunn Quotes
“If you feel very deeply about something, it's not possible to sacrifice your integrity about that.”
Trevor Nunn Quotes
“I always believe it's better to have 30 imaginations working on a project, rather than one imagination telling the other 29 what to do.”
Trevor Nunn Quotes
“I so wanted to perform, and I grasped every opportunity.”
Trevor Nunn Quotes
“I've just taken the decision that I'm going to now go full time back into the theater.”
Trevor Nunn Quotes
“I had a feeling about Shakespeare's soliloquies, that there should be a real exchange between the actor and the audience.”
“I tend to arrive in the rehearsal process with very strongly developed ideas about what I want to do. But I don't like those ideas to be things that are not subject to change, or subject to development, or subject to challenge.”
Trevor Nunn Quotes
“I would be terribly disappointed if anything would get in the way of my being cast in something, or if performances were canceled. It was a fix that I obviously needed.”

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