Will Durant Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)
Will Durant quotes and sayings page 3 (deceased historian born on Nov 5, 1885). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 42 we have for him.
“Woe to him who teaches men faster than they can learn.”
“One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say.”
“Every science begins as philosophy and ends as art.”
“Nature has never read the Declaration of Independence. It continues to make us unequal.”
“Our knowledge is a receding mirage in an expanding desert of ignorance.”
“Every vice was once a virtue, and may become respectable again, just as hatred becomes respectable in wartime.”
“If man asks for many laws it is only because he is sure that his neighbor needs them; privately he is an unphilosophical anarchist, and thinks laws in his own case superfluous.”
“Every form of government tends to perish by excess of its basic principle.”
“Moral codes adjust themselves to environmental conditions.”
“As soon as liberty is complete it dies in anarchy.”
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