Axl Rose Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Axl Rose quotes and sayings page 2 (63 year old musician). These are the last 7 out of 17 quotes we have for him.
“I try to be respectful about getting an honor or recognition, but I don't really know what the Rock Hall actually is. In my experience with the people who run it, I don't see it having to do with anything other than them making money.”
“In general, I usually don't really go by or live my life by a clock, and outside of touring, I don't really ask anyone else to. It's not out of lack of respect for anyone or intentional.”
“I go to movies, go out with friends, go to car shows. I have a zoo.”
“I'm in California, and that usually leans Democratic, and that's usually where I lean anyway... I would lean Democrat; I would lean Obama.”
“Mick Jagger is one of the greatest athletes who ever lived, just for how much he puts into it onstage.”
“'Appetite for Destruction' was the only thing written with lyrics and melody fitting the guitar parts at the same time. After that, I got a barrage of guitar songs that I was supposed to put words to, and I don't know if that was the best thing for Guns.”
“As for money and prestige, if one has an opportunity to make money and/or advance their position or place in life, there can be a lot to weigh and consider, such as responsibilities, goals and objectives, etc. We all make choices, deal with our sense of priorities, principles, ethics, morals, balancing, juggling, making compromises... or not! Ha!”
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