Aziz Ansari Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)

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Aziz Ansari quotes and sayings page 5 (42 year old comedian). These are the last 4 out of 44 quotes we have for him.

Aziz Ansari Quotes
“The most influential thing was the two Chris Rock specials that came out when I was in high school. I was obsessed with that stuff.”
Aziz Ansari Quotes
“After you do a joke a few times, you have material that you know works. Although sometimes I have a joke that has worked a bunch of times, and then one night it'll flop.”
“Every time I've done comedy in, like, traditional comedy clubs, there's always these comedians that do really well with audiences but that the other comedians hate because they're just, you know, doing kind of cheap stuff like dancing around or doing, like, very kind of base sex humor a lot, and stuff like that.”
Aziz Ansari Quotes
“Other than friends and family, my favorite things are New York and stand-up. I love doing comedy in New York - I can do way more stand-up here than in Los Angeles.”

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