Bob Uecker Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Bob Uecker quotes and sayings page 2 (90 year old athlete). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 41 we have for him.

Bob Uecker Quotes
“I knew when my career was over. In 1965 my baseball card came out with no picture.”
Bob Uecker Quotes
“I just grew the hair on my back. Facial hair just wasn't appealing to me. I liked it on my back, though.”
Bob Uecker Quotes
“Phil Niekro and his brother were pitching against each other in Atlanta. Their parents were sitting right behind home plate. I saw their folks more that day than they did the whole weekend.”
“Before broadcasting for 50-some years, I did TV, played 10 years in the big leagues, won a world championship - and played a big part in that, too, letting the Cardinals inject me with hepatitis. Takes a big man to do that.”
Bob Uecker Quotes
“The way to catch a knuckleball is to wait until it stops rolling and then pick it up.”
Bob Uecker Quotes
“In 1962 I was named Minor League Player of the Year. It was my second season in the bigs.”
Bob Uecker Quotes
“Sporting goods companies pay me not to endorse their products.”
Bob Uecker Quotes
“Anybody with ability can play in the big leagues. But to be able to trick people year in and year out the way I did, I think that was a much greater feat.”
“If a guy hits .300 every year, what does he have to look forward to? I always tried to stay around .190, with three or four RBI. And I tried to get them all in September. That way I always had something to talk about during the winter.”
“People have asked me a lot of times, because I didn't hit a lot, how long a dozen bats would last me. Depending on the weight and model I was using at that time - I would say eight to 10 cookouts.”

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