Chuck Palahniuk Quotes & Sayings (Page 10)
Chuck Palahniuk quotes and sayings page 10 (63 year old novelist). Here's quote # 91 through 100 out of the 125 we have for him.
“Sometimes the past seems too big for the present to hold.”
“Every time I write something, I think, this is the most offensive thing I will ever write. But no. I always surprise myself.”
“If I can't be beautiful, I want to be invisible.”
“If we all lived according to the teachings of Jesus Christ, life would be much simpler.”
“Arguing that God doesn't exist would be like people in the 10th century arguing that germs and microbes didn't exist because they couldn't see them.”
“To merely observe your culture without contributing to it seems very close to existing as a ghost.”
“We're making the same mistakes we made 1,000 years ago. So they must be the right ones. So relax.”
“A good story should make you laugh, and a moment later break your heart.”
“Few things in life seem more sexy than a banned book.”
“The answer is there is no answer.”
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