Chuck Palahniuk Quotes & Sayings (Page 8)

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Chuck Palahniuk quotes and sayings page 8 (63 year old novelist). Here's quote # 71 through 80 out of the 125 we have for him.

Chuck Palahniuk Quotes
“It's funny how you never think about the women you've had. It's always the ones who get away that you can't forget.”
Chuck Palahniuk Quotes
“Every woman is just a different kind of problem.”
Chuck Palahniuk Quotes
“You have a choice. Live or die. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. To be or not to be.”
Chuck Palahniuk Quotes
“Why is it you feel like a dope if you laugh alone, but that's usually how you end up crying?”
Chuck Palahniuk Quotes
“People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love.”
Chuck Palahniuk Quotes
“Masochism is a valuable job skill.”
Chuck Palahniuk Quotes
“My best advice for writers is: Have your adventures, make your mistakes, and choose your friends poorly - all these make for great stories.”
Chuck Palahniuk Quotes
“The most boring scenes are the scenes where a character is alone.”
Chuck Palahniuk Quotes
“I just don't want to die without a few scars.”
Chuck Palahniuk Quotes
“Everyone smiles with that invisible gun to their head.”

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