Eliza Dushku Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Eliza Dushku quotes and sayings page 2 (44 year old actress). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 44 we have for her.

Eliza Dushku Quotes
“There are a lot of actresses out there who are the girl next door. I relate more to characters who have an edge.”
Eliza Dushku Quotes
“There is definitely something sexy about a girl with an attitude and a pair of leather pants.”
Eliza Dushku Quotes
“When you get to your mid-20s, you start to feel responsibilities for the things that you do and the people around you. It's a cool age.”
“I literally remember when I made my audition tape for 'Buffy'. I went to the Arsenal Mall. I got my outfit at Contempo Casuals in the Arsenal Mall and put some safety pins in my jeans. I remember telling whoever the clerk was that I was making a tape for 'Buffy', and they were so excited.”
Eliza Dushku Quotes
“I remember hitting Sarah Michelle Gellar with a right hook during my first week on the job. It was awful. They usually pair actors with stunt doubles to avoid things like that.”
“I wake up and play a different person every day. Playing all these different characters and trying to figure out who your true authentic self is at the core of that as you're playing all these different roles, and man, that self-awareness starts to come into effect. And you start to see who you really are.”
Eliza Dushku Quotes
“My mom is like this hard-core, liberal feminist. She's a professor in Boston, and she's been teaching women's studies for 30 years and international politics.”
Eliza Dushku Quotes
“I don't let guys do hickeys. That's like a dog marking his territory or something.”
Eliza Dushku Quotes
“The letters from jail are always disconcerting.”
Eliza Dushku Quotes
“For the longest time, I thought I was a boy. I really did. I wore boys' clothes, played tag football.”

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