Fred Frith Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Fred Frith quotes and sayings page 2 (76 year old composer). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 22 we have for him.

Fred Frith Quotes
“As an improviser I'm now pretty comfortable with trios, so I'm thinking of working up to quartets.”
Fred Frith Quotes
“If you write songs you have an idea how they're going to sound.”
Fred Frith Quotes
“Not necessarily in one concert, but they're all there to be used if you want to use them.”
Fred Frith Quotes
“Some things don't wind up sounding like you'd expect, which is just as well.”
Fred Frith Quotes
“There's an awful lot of resources that can be drawn upon in an improvised music concert.”
Fred Frith Quotes
“I remember playing football dressed in peculiar costumes with some friends in France and laughing so hard we couldn't even stand up, let alone kick the ball.”
Fred Frith Quotes
“I think that one of the things that influences me most as a composer is to what extent I can deconstruct and reconstruct the material that I'm working with.”
Fred Frith Quotes
“The totality of a record is usually beyond ones ability to imagine when you start working on it, but the component parts are, usually, fairly clear one way or another.”
Fred Frith Quotes
“We play melodic music, we play songs, we play all kinds of things and when you improvise you don't just shut out different languages, you use all the languages that you have.”
Fred Frith Quotes
“We played some gigs in Switzerland a couple of weeks ago and it was the first time I really felt the group was really a band in the sense of something I could write for.”

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