Helen Clark Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Helen Clark quotes and sayings page 2 (74 year old statesman). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 35 we have for her.

Helen Clark Quotes
“There is also a marked global trend towards sustainable agriculture, building on traditional methods which use fewer chemical inputs, carefully manage soil and water resources, and work hand-in-hand with nature.”
Helen Clark Quotes
“Any serious shift towards more sustainable societies has to include gender equality.”
Helen Clark Quotes
“Of course I have an opinion on many things but I don't micromanage.”
Helen Clark Quotes
“Business can talk itself into a blue funk.”
Helen Clark Quotes
“I think that generally New Zealand is respected for the positions it takes because it thinks them through.”
Helen Clark Quotes
“I think the issue of North Korea is one where the international community as a whole has to work to resolve the crisis.”
Helen Clark Quotes
“Well of course New Zealand isn't anti-American.”
Helen Clark Quotes
“I'm not into power for the sake of it.”
Helen Clark Quotes
“We're a nation in search of an identity, but it's quite exciting. I don't regard it as a problem. It's a challenge.”
“The Prime Minister is head of team but its not a one woman act. I've been called all those things. Intellectual, sharp-tongued, all true. But what New Zealander is like is to know that someone is in charge and in the end the buck stops with the Prime Minister.”

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