John Sergeant Wise Quotes & Sayings

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23 most famous John Sergeant Wise quotes and sayings (author). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

John Sergeant Wise Quotes
“The attack of John Brown upon Harper's Ferry came upon Virginia like a clap of thunder out of a clear sky.”
“And let me tell you, you boys of America, that there is no higher inspiration to any man to be a good man, a good citizen, and a good son, brother, or father, than the knowledge that you come from honest blood.”
John Sergeant Wise Quotes
“I was a tried seaman when, for the first time, I set foot upon the soil of my country, and took up my residence where my people had lived for over two hundred years.”
John Sergeant Wise Quotes
“As early as the autumn of 1862, I was made very happy by being sent to school.”
John Sergeant Wise Quotes
“The autumn of 1850 brought an event freighted with deep significance to me. My mother died.”
John Sergeant Wise Quotes
“Even if my mother had no qualms of conscience concerning ownership of negroes, her sense of duty carried her far beyond the mere supplying of their physical needs, or requiring that they render faithful service.”
John Sergeant Wise Quotes
“My mother was a Northern woman, daughter of Hon. John Sergeant, a distinguished lawyer, and for many years representative in Congress from Philadelphia.”
John Sergeant Wise Quotes
“In those days, slavery was not looked upon, even in Quaker Philadelphia, with the shudder and abhorrence one feels towards it now.”
John Sergeant Wise Quotes
“Father had notions about manhood suffrage, public schools, the education and the elevation of the masses, and the gradual emancipation of the slaves, that did not suit the uncompromising views of people in places like Richmond.”
John Sergeant Wise Quotes
“John Brown was tried for treason, murder, and inciting slaves to insurrection.”

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