Kelly Rowland Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)

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Kelly Rowland quotes and sayings page 6 (44 year old musician). These are the last 7 out of 57 quotes we have for her.

Kelly Rowland Quotes
“I want to tell stories and make people feel good. That's when music is at its finest.”
Kelly Rowland Quotes
“I wear men's cologne - it gets the fellas!”
Kelly Rowland Quotes
“I'm from the South - I love to eat, and that's why I have to exercise.”
Kelly Rowland Quotes
“If I think I'm going to get into trouble I always say that I'm sick.”
“I went to a predominantly white school, and I was the only black girl. I can remember thinking, 'I don't want to be as dark as I am - I want to be a little fairer.' I didn't want to be me.”
“If you have a pair of shoes that hurt, don't wear them. The ugliest thing that I think I've seen is a woman walk like her feet hurt. It's awful, so make sure your shoes fit.”
“One thing that I had to remember in my personal journey in the music industry and coming up in the music industry was how many times I was told no. I was signed, I was dropped, I was signed, and I was put on a shelf.”

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