Kirsten Gillibrand Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Kirsten Gillibrand quotes and sayings page 2 (58 year old politician). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 45 we have for her.
“Empowering women in the workforce is a key to growing the economy and having a thriving middle class.”
“For many of the brave men and women who have fought on the front lines, returning home means trying to navigate a complicated and bureaucratic Veterans Administration benefits system.”
“When women earn more, families are stronger, and children have better access to quality health care and education.”
“My hope is that in the future, women stop referring to themselves as 'the only woman' in their physics lab or 'only one of two' in their computer science jobs.”
“When I was first elected to the House in 2006, it was important to me to send a clear message to the people of NY-20: I wanted to be a representative for the people and shed some light on their government, so I became the first member of Congress to post my schedule, my financial disclosures and my earmark requests all online.”
“We must do everything we can to help our service members and veterans transition into civilian life once they return home, and that means preparing them for the tough job market.”
“I'm fighting to make childcare more affordable for working parents so they can continue working and advancing their careers, closing wage gaps that for too long have held women back from the fair economic opportunities they need.”
“When mothers earn their fair share, young children have greater access to quality health care, educational opportunities, and safe communities. By ending the wage gap, we will help ensure that every child can achieve his or her God-given potential.”
“Along with a livable wage, many parents are desperate for quality affordable child care.”
“Obesity puts our children at risk of developing serious diseases - such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and depression. It keeps our children from performing their best at school.”
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