Kirsten Gillibrand Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Kirsten Gillibrand quotes and sayings page 3 (58 year old politician). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 45 we have for her.

“Nurses are on the front lines of our care. And they need to be at the foundation of health care reform. Let's get health care done - and done right - by ensuring the amount of nurses we need to provide quality care for all.”
Kirsten Gillibrand Quotes
“A strong and dedicated mentor can help a young woman get her foot in the door, get a promotion and get a raise.”
Kirsten Gillibrand Quotes
“I have not been in Washington very long, but I've been there long enough to be shocked by how antiquated some of our laws have become.”
Kirsten Gillibrand Quotes
“The horrific damage of 9/11 did not end when those buildings came down.”
Kirsten Gillibrand Quotes
“Use your voice on the local level where it has the potential to be more widely heard.”
Kirsten Gillibrand Quotes
“Discriminatory wage practices undermine women's ability to provide for their families and survive on a decent retirement income.”
Kirsten Gillibrand Quotes
“For me, getting off the sidelines means women making a difference by letting their voices be heard on the issues they care about.”
Kirsten Gillibrand Quotes
“It's time to focus on real solutions that will create jobs and build our economy for real strength and stability - not just for the fortunate few, but for every American.”
Kirsten Gillibrand Quotes
“Like all Americans, I will never forget where I was the morning of the 9/11 attacks.”
Kirsten Gillibrand Quotes
“One of the primary reasons I first ran for Congress was to be a voice for our troops, veterans and military families.”

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