LeVar Burton Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
LeVar Burton quotes and sayings page 2 (68 year old actor). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 24 we have for him.
“I genuinely believe we have an opportunity to revolutionize how we educate our children.”
“I get most of my news updates from electronic and social media.”
“I'm excited to see how current and future technologies revolutionize the way we learn.”
“I've always been interested in gadgets and technology and I've always been a reader.”
“The unvarnished truth is that we have spent the last decade funding the machinery of war, and our children have been sacrificed.”
“We have an amazing advantage right now in that we have developed technology that is so sexy, so engaging for kids.”
“I'm enormously proud of the fact that Star Trek has really not just sparked an interest, but encouraged, a few generations of people to go into the sciences.”
“We want a book to be a book. We'll have all the interactive bells and whistles but our intent is to engage young people in reading, not to show them a movie.”
“It is no longer appropriate for me as an American to sit by and expect my government to get it done.”
“We had to figure out how to produce books in a cost-effective way.”
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