Marcus Samuelsson Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Marcus Samuelsson quotes and sayings page 2 (55 year old chef). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 125 we have for him.

“Egypt is the largest wheat importer in the world. In some part, this is due to irrigation issues and inhospitable climes. Egypt's dependence on wheat is also partially because for decades it has been cheaper to import wheat, corn, soy and barley from the U.S. than to grow it locally.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“I learned from my grandmother, who grew up in devastating war times, how important it is to keep with tradition and celebrate the holidays during tough times.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“Every time you use the word 'healthy,' you lose. The key is to make yummy, delicious food that happens to be healthy.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“Salad can get a bad rap. People think of bland and watery iceberg lettuce, but in fact, salads are an art form, from the simplest rendition to a colorful kitchen-sink approach.”
“I think that if you grind your spices and keep them in small batches, you can use them in endless ways. The key thing is to have a spice mill or a coffee grinder, and to keep your spices cold and in tightly lidded boxes.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“Not only are pasta dishes delicious, but they are also great, easy options for a quick dinner during a busy weekday.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“I think it's very expensive to not eat healthy. Eating healthy is the only affordable option we have left.”
“The darker the chocolate is, the more antioxidants it contains. So when eaten in moderation - just a few bites from a well-made dark chocolate bar, for instance - there's no need to feel bad about indulging once in a while.”
“Cooking with your kids and engaging them in hands-on activities are two ways to begin to educate children about the healthy eating, and kick start the important task to help change how the younger generation looks at food and nutrition.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“You have to balance, but you can be aggressive as a chef. It benefits the food. You have to be passionate. You can't be angry cooking.”

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