Marcus Samuelsson Quotes & Sayings (Page 10)

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Marcus Samuelsson quotes and sayings page 10 (55 year old chef). Here's quote # 91 through 100 out of the 125 we have for him.

Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“It's key to know which essential foods will keep you going and help your body recover after hard work.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“When you are already eating as cheaply and meagerly as possible, any raise in cost can quickly plunge you and your family into hunger.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“I can take a lot of pride that I can launch cookbooks and there's an audience out there that supports that.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“I love having a croissant and a great cup of coffee. Just one cup.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“If it's done really well, you don't want big portions because you think, 'That was so fulfilling. I'm not stuffed. I feel great.'”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“The fact is that more and more people are developing a sensitivity to gluten, without necessarily being allergic to it.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“Criticism is part of the creative man's journey, and I appreciate it.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“I started cooking for the love of cooking, and I am going to keep cooking whether there's a celebrity aspect to it or not.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“People might not protest for overtly political or social causes, but when they can't feed themselves and their family, they will take to the streets.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“Pot lucks are fun, especially when you encourage your guests to bring dishes that represent their families or cultures.”

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