Marcus Samuelsson Quotes & Sayings (Page 9)

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Marcus Samuelsson quotes and sayings page 9 (55 year old chef). Here's quote # 81 through 90 out of the 125 we have for him.

“Finding creative and effective ways to simultaneously give back and economically empower people is something that is increasingly important. Not everyone can open a business and directly create jobs in the way that we have at Red Rooster Harlem.”
“I get so tickled when that pilot happens to be an African American because I rarely see that. The same is true when I go to find restaurants. I mean, most places I go, I kind of have some idea who the chef is, which is why I want to go.”
“I love cookbooks for completely different reasons. I love 'The Harry's Bar Cookbook' and Marco-Pierre White's 'White Heat' for their feel. For pure learning, Gray Kunz wrote a great cookbook, 'The Elements of Taste', published in 2001. The first time I read Charlie Trotter's, the Chicago chef's first cookbook, I was blown away.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“Without food, we cannot survive, and that is why issues that affect the food industry are so important.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“I feel like there's a lot of tasks in cooking that I want to master, that I want to do better.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“Sweden was once a very homogenous society, but no more. For decades, people have been coming into Sweden from all over the world, and that's changed the way we cook.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“I've been lucky to travel and work all over the world through the lens of the back of the house, and I love that monocle. I love that lens, because it's real people.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“As a chef and activist, I'm particularly concerned with food politics issues such as the farm bill.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“Going meatless reduces our carbon footprint and helps us lead the way towards climate change.”
Marcus Samuelsson Quotes
“I learned at a young age what chasing flavors meant, and I've been doing that my whole life.”

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