Mary Chapin Carpenter Quotes & Sayings

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22 most famous Mary Chapin Carpenter quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 67 year old American musician born on Feb 21, 1958.

“I've never... when I was having songs on the airwaves, and that sort of thing, I never felt a sense of pressure anywhere except from myself, to do things the way I wanted to do them; to feel authentic; to feel like I was presenting my true self to the world.”
“When I think of the artists I admire and seek out musically. It's because I'm curious about where they're going to go the next time they have a chance to put a record out. It's not about where I find them on the radio dial, or how many records they're selling.”
“As far as feeling freedom in my career now versus five years ago... I think if I feel any more free it's simply because of the experiences that I've had, and the wisdom I've accumulated from that time.”
Mary Chapin Carpenter Quotes
“Emmy Lou Harris introduced me to the work of the Vietnam Veterans of America foundation and the Campaign for a Land Mine Free World.”
Mary Chapin Carpenter Quotes
“I kept thinking, I went to college and I have to get a real job.”
Mary Chapin Carpenter Quotes
“It's a pretty frantic world that we live in.”
Mary Chapin Carpenter Quotes
“I was a liberal arts junkie and I figured, well, I'll go work for somebody somewhere. All I knew was that I was going to have to come home and figure it out.”
Mary Chapin Carpenter Quotes
“I went to college and I never allowed myself to think for an instant that I would have this chance to do this.”
Mary Chapin Carpenter Quotes
“My sisters and I were fortunate to travel through Asia and Europe at very young ages. We confronted extraordinary beauty in Athens and unspeakable poverty in India.”
Mary Chapin Carpenter Quotes
“I'm a liberal arts junkie.”

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