Melissa McCarthy Quotes & Sayings

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26 most famous Melissa McCarthy quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 54 year old American actress born on Aug 26, 1970.

Melissa McCarthy Quotes
“Comedy to me is all about the bumps and bruises and weird tics.”
Melissa McCarthy Quotes
“When I believe in something, I'm like a dog with a bone.”
Melissa McCarthy Quotes
“To me, having 500 rolls of fabric around is the most calming thing in the world. I think it's what football is to some guys.”
Melissa McCarthy Quotes
“My back was just destroyed after pregnancy. I almost had to have surgery, until I did Pilates and rebuilt my body.”
Melissa McCarthy Quotes
“I am not a princess, I don't want to be referred to as a princess - I find that super creepy.”
Melissa McCarthy Quotes
“I don't know any neighborhoods where everyone's walking around in seven-inch heels and perfect makeup.”
Melissa McCarthy Quotes
“I'm certainly not shy, but I like playing it because I love those characters that are incredibly confident but really still a mess.”
Melissa McCarthy Quotes
“Sometimes I wish I were just magically a size 6 and I never had to give it a single thought.”
Melissa McCarthy Quotes
“Even when someone gets to looking like she should be so proud of herself, instead she's like, 'I could be another three pounds less; I could be a little taller and have bigger lips.'”
Melissa McCarthy Quotes
“As a teenager I went all Goth, but I wasn't mopey enough. I would pretend to be, but I'd end up making people laugh.”

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