Nathan Lane Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Nathan Lane quotes and sayings page 2 (69 year old actor). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 36 we have for him.
“I have my aluminum siding business, and that's going like a house afire.”
“A video taped stage performance is just - you know, it's never gonna be the same as it is if you're sitting there live in the theatre.”
“I want the kind of career where I can move back and forth.”
“People have to do things in their own time, and that's what I did.”
“There are some people that the press like to pick on and not just the gay press, but the press in general. And some people, the press just doesn't care about at all.”
“It's certainly not a shock to find that the industry has no imagination. I think people don't know what it is I do. Because half the time you're talking to people who are in their 20s, and I've been doing this for over 25 years.”
“Relationships, for me, have been elusive. And I would say mostly it's been my fault. I was always more concentrated on my career. And yes, you do question people's motives. Is it just because I'm him - I'm Nathan Lane?”
“There's not a day in my life I'm not proud of being gay, but I just wasn't ready for that attention to be placed on it. I remember being on Oprah. Well, not on Oprah. Near Oprah. She started saying, 'Now, Nathan, you got all those girlie moves going down in 'The Birdcage,' where's all that coming from? You're so good at all that girlie stuff!'”
“There doesn't seem to be a lot of middle ground with me.”
“All I can do is try to create the best show possible, and I feel we've truly done that.”
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