Norman Schwarzkopf Quotes & Sayings (Page 7)
Norman Schwarzkopf quotes and sayings page 7 (deceased soldier born on Aug 22, 1934). Here's quote # 61 through 70 out of the 74 we have for him.
“Hey, I'm not a politician. I'm a ham. I love to give speeches.”
“I may have made my reputation as a general in the Army and I'm very proud of that. But I've always felt that I was more than one-dimensional.”
“I was lucky enough to lead a very successful war.”
“I'm not a politician. I'd make a lousy politician.”
“They say the good Lord doesn't charge you for the days you hunt and fish, and I believe that.”
“But I would defy anyone to go back over the years and tell me anyone whose career I've ruined, anyone whom I've driven out of the service, anyone I've fired from a job.”
“Generals aren't in the business of commenting on the correctness or incorrectness of the President's decisions. Anybody who thinks he should be able to do that ought to be fired on the spot.”
“I am an environmentalist, but I'm not a wacko environmentalist. I believe that mankind and nature can live side-by-side for the mutual benefit of both.”
“I am not one of these guys who is just going to waste American lives by throwing people needlessly in frontal attacks up against the enemy if I can avoid doing that.”
“If it had been our intention to take Iraq, if it had been our intention to destroy the country, if it had been our intention to overrun the country, we could have done it unopposed.”
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