Steve Harvey Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Steve Harvey quotes and sayings page 3 (68 year old actor). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 60 we have for him.

Steve Harvey Quotes
“The problem is, women have stopped setting the bar high.”
“I have seen some crazy people do some crazy things on my variety show. I have to stop and ask them a lot of the time, just how they figured out that they could do the things that they do, some of it is just plain freaky.”
Steve Harvey Quotes
“Every day, President Obama sends a beautiful message about how we should treat our women based on how he treats his wife. When people went after his wife during the campaign, he took a stand.”
Steve Harvey Quotes
“How can smart women be so stupid about men sometimes? Lack of knowledge. It's what men have kept secret for so long.”
Steve Harvey Quotes
“We all think that this relationship thing is a game out here. All I'm saying to women is, 'Okay. If it's a game, here are the rules that we play by.'”
Steve Harvey Quotes
“My father instilled in me to take care of my family. Show up even when you don't want to show up.”
“I never say 'nagging.' I think that 'nagging' is a term that men created to get women to pipe down some. But, it's a trap that we've created. We created several terms for women to back you down. Nagging means to stop asking me questions, then we get away with more. I think it's a term men created.”
“I tell my boys not to play rough with their younger sister. I try to teach them what I know already: You're never going to win an argument with a girl, so just let her have what she wants!”
Steve Harvey Quotes
“There has been nothing more impactful on my life and meaningful to me than the introduction of Christ. That, hands down, blows away every joke I've ever written.”
“I don't have much of an attention span for TV - I nod off during the basketball playoffs - but when I watch 'Game of Thrones' on On Demand, I'm glued to the set. It's mystical and addictive. Tyrion Lannister, that's my man.”

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