Tana French Quotes & Sayings

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13 most famous Tana French quotes and sayings (novelist). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Tana French Quotes
“If you rewrite a paragraph fifty times and forty-nine of them are terrible, that's fine; you only need to get it right once.”
“I've got this theory that human beings are innately religious; we have a belief system. It doesn't have to be a theist form, necessarily. But we need a belief system, some framework on which to hang our behavior.”
Tana French Quotes
“The thing about being a mystery writer, what marks a mystery writer out from a chick lit author or historical fiction writer, is that you always find a mystery in every situation.”
Tana French Quotes
“With acting, you have to depend on somebody else to decide if you are allowed to work. You can spend weeks and months when you are not acting at all.”
Tana French Quotes
“Both back when I was acting and now that I'm writing, I've always wanted the same thing out of my career: to be able to get up in the morning and do what I love doing.”
Tana French Quotes
“I came from a house full of books, so I took reading for granted. I was an outdoorsy little kid, too, so I got the best of both worlds by taking books up trees and reading there.”
Tana French Quotes
“I thought I could never write a proper book; I'd never done it before. But I thought I could write a sequence. Then I had a chapter. The next thing I knew I was turning acting down.”
“If you're writing a scene for a character with whom you disagree in every way, you still need to show how that character is absolutely justified in his or her own mind, or the scene will come across as being about the author's views rather than about the character's.”
Tana French Quotes
“Ireland is such a young society. The British were the ruling class up until they left about a hundred years ago, and we've been trying to work out what our class hierarchy is ever since.”
Tana French Quotes
“I love writing. I feel ridiculously lucky that this is what I get to do all day.”

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