Tim Vine Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Tim Vine quotes and sayings page 3 (58 year old comedian). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 32 we have for him.

Tim Vine Quotes
“So I rang up a local building firm, I said 'I want a skip outside my house.' He said 'I'm not stopping you.'”
“I sit in places like Costa Coffee in Banstead and write rubbish. I need a deadline. I think about the 44 tour dates and keep imagining standing in front of all these people. Then every day I write 15 jokes minimum.”
Tim Vine Quotes
“Black beauty - he's a dark horse.”
Tim Vine Quotes
“Comedy covers such a wide range of different styles that I'm not really qualified to talk on all of them any more than anyone else is.”
Tim Vine Quotes
“My DVD cellophane was put on by a psychiatrist. It was shrink-wrapped.”
Tim Vine Quotes
“As you get older you're told to be sensible, but it's important for writing if you're a comic that you're able to still access that childlike thing.”
Tim Vine Quotes
“For one thing, I don't pun excessively in real life.”
Tim Vine Quotes
“If you do weave one-liners into a story, you have to have an overall story as well, otherwise it doesn't really count as narrative.”
Tim Vine Quotes
“With silly stuff, it's seventy-five percent confidence. I always tell people that it's because I'm nervous about getting that next laugh and I need to hear it. I always want to condense a joke.”
“People think that because of my act that I must have a really busy mind and I must be driven. I really am not. I quite like going outside and looking at spiders on a hedge in my garden and stuff.”

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