Ari Fleischer Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Ari Fleischer quotes and sayings page 3 (64 year old public servant). These are the last 8 out of 28 quotes we have for him.

Ari Fleischer Quotes
“The 2000s were marked by terrorism and a bipartisan desire to fight it.”
Ari Fleischer Quotes
“To avoid a military conflict, Saddam Hussein has no other choice than to leave the country.”
Ari Fleischer Quotes
“When President George W. Bush cut taxes, he cut them for everyone.”
Ari Fleischer Quotes
“Having served as the majority spokesman for the House Ways and Means Committee after Republicans took the House in 1994, I've seen the promise and the peril of divided government before.”
“The reason Gov. Romney passed Romneycare as governor of Massachusetts in 2006 was because many Republicans viewed health care reform, mandates and all, as a way to inoculate against Democratic charges that Republicans didn't care about people who lacked health insurance.”
Ari Fleischer Quotes
“My advice to the tea party freshmen: Slow the galloping horses to a trot. Big government was built over decades; it can't be dismantled in a year, especially when Democrats control the White House.”
Ari Fleischer Quotes
“The president welcomes peaceful protests - it is a time-honored tradition. The president agrees violence is not the answer in Iraq, and that's why he hopes Saddam Hussein will disarm.”
Ari Fleischer Quotes
“The press secretary who starts to narrow down or close the president's options because he answers delicate negotiating questions no longer serves the president.”

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