Faye Wattleton Quotes & Sayings

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19 most famous Faye Wattleton quotes and sayings (sociologist). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Faye Wattleton Quotes
“The only safe ship in a storm is leadership.”
Faye Wattleton Quotes
“My satisfaction comes from my commitment to advancing a better world.”
Faye Wattleton Quotes
“The influence of one's parents is powerful and permanent.”
Faye Wattleton Quotes
“I do not make any apologies for my manner or personality. I come from a long line of very strong, black African-American women who neither bend nor bow. I haven't had very good modeling in submission.”
Faye Wattleton Quotes
“I have never believed in the impossible.”
Faye Wattleton Quotes
“My mother taught me a lot of things, but they had big presuppositions built in - like her expectation that I'd be a missionary nurse in a religious order.”
Faye Wattleton Quotes
“'What can your kids teach you?' Well, I believe something different about kids. We don't own them, they have their own knowledge. From the start you have to make the choice to listen.”
“Being a person who has had plastic surgery and goes to the gym five days a week to work my muscles up so they don't look atrophied as a 60-year-old, I don't disparage people who want to maintain their appearance. But what I don't want is a society that tells me I have to.”
Faye Wattleton Quotes
“A woman who places a high priority on performance and excellence is seen as imperial. A man is seen as demanding and tough.”
Faye Wattleton Quotes
“One of the sad commentaries on the way women are viewed in our society is that we have to fit one category. I have never felt that I had to be in one category.”

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