Jeanne Shaheen Quotes & Sayings

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8 most famous Jeanne Shaheen quotes and sayings. She's a 78 year old American politician born on Jan 28, 1947.

Jeanne Shaheen Quotes
“There's definitely a world view among college students that appreciates the need to act in the international community.”
Jeanne Shaheen Quotes
“Any Democratic statement of core beliefs about the importance of families must include all our families, gay and straight. Our party has a long tradition of leading the charge on important questions of justice.”
Jeanne Shaheen Quotes
“Let's create jobs by bringing the Shaheen-Portman bipartisan energy efficiency bill to the floor.”
Jeanne Shaheen Quotes
“We're only going to be able to compete in the world if we continue to be innovative.”
Jeanne Shaheen Quotes
“Low-wage jobs have gone offshore. We need to innovate to stay competitive.”
Jeanne Shaheen Quotes
“Religion and morality are critical to how students think about politics and form opinions on political issues.”
Jeanne Shaheen Quotes
“We need to invest in a way that makes sure we've got the workforce we need in the future.”
Jeanne Shaheen Quotes
“I think we need to get the measurements that Congress has mandated from the White House on how we're going to determine progress in Afghanistan.”

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