Gilbert Gottfried Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Gilbert Gottfried quotes and sayings page 3 (70 year old comedian). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 65 we have for him.

Gilbert Gottfried Quotes
“I understand being less sexy than Osama bin Laden, but not less sexy than Carrot Top. That, I find offensive.”
Gilbert Gottfried Quotes
“I'm a very anti-vacation person. Because I'm always getting on planes for work, to me, a vacation is when I don't have to get on a plane.”
“My family originally lived in Brooklyn. Our first apartment was a little place above my father and uncle's hardware store in Coney Island. Now, don't get the impression that we were surrounded by merry-go-rounds, roller coasters and Ferris wheels. Nope, this was a little side street.”
Gilbert Gottfried Quotes
“Off-camera, I sound like Perry Como.”
“I'm one of those people, in any country I'm in, if somebody could just put me in a car or a bus, I'll look out the window and say, 'OK, there's the Tower of London, there's Buckingham Palace, there's Big Ben,' and if it all takes about five minutes, perfect. I've seen all of it and I can go home.”
Gilbert Gottfried Quotes
“I've never understood people who say they're not a practicing Jew. You never hear a black guy say he's not a practicing African-American. What does it even mean?”
“I guess if they ever do a remake of 'Sophie's Choice,' I could play the Meryl Streep part. I've got to work on my Polish accent. Maybe I'll be the definitive King Lear one day. You know, if they ever feel that King Lear should be more Jewy.”
“I used to go to the Improvisation Comedy Club every night in Times Square. How I didn't get killed in that area either means that 1) God is watching over me or 2) I am so insignificant to God that he didn't bother having me killed.”
“Some comedians tell nice jokes that you can tell to your kids. Some use bad words - they work 'blue.' If you don't want to hear a joke that's blue, you shouldn't go to a comedy club where a comedian who makes blue jokes is performing.”
Gilbert Gottfried Quotes
“A lot of people who claim they're political comedians are just comedians who have opinions. But they stop being funny the minute they give their opinions.”

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