Patton Oswalt Quotes & Sayings

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77 most famous Patton Oswalt quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 56 year old American comedian born on Jan 27, 1969.

Patton Oswalt Quotes
“I fantasize and idealize myself as Bugs Bunny, but I know deep down I'm Daffy Duck.”
Patton Oswalt Quotes
“There are times when I have to take, I call it a 'silence bath,' where I shut off all of the external gadgets. I go walk around, talk to people, and just live life for a while.”
Patton Oswalt Quotes
“So when you spot violence, or bigotry, or intolerance or fear or just garden-variety misogyny, hatred or ignorance, just look it in the eye and think, 'The good outnumber you, and we always will.'”
Patton Oswalt Quotes
“Lot of ugly funny dudes end up with some pretty gorgeous women. Women are much deeper than us in choosing a mate - they see in the long term.”
Patton Oswalt Quotes
“Everything we have today that's cool comes from someone wanting more of something they loved in the past. Action figures, videogames, superhero movies, iPods: All are continuations of a love that wanted more.”
Patton Oswalt Quotes
“I had a romance novel inside me, but I paid three sailors to beat it out if me with steel pipes.”
“Based on my own experience, when you're going through adolescence you don't know how the world works. You can't set a story in the world you live in because you don't know what a utility bill is, or how to budget your paycheck.”
“What you want to worship above youth, I think, is beauty, and beauty is so beyond just appearances after a while. Because you can be with someone who's good-looking; if they open their mouths and they're an idiot, then they cease to be beautiful very quickly.”
Patton Oswalt Quotes
“If you hit a midget on the head with a stick, he turns into 40 gold coins.”
Patton Oswalt Quotes
“It's like our country is being run by a bunch of bad alcoholic dads right now.”

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